The CEMS Academy Training in Reno Recap

VIM Technologies is proud to announce the successful completion of another sold-out CEMS Academy training event in Reno this month. Our Senior Air Compliance Specialist, Eric Wiley, was among the esteemed instructors who led this comprehensive two-day workshop.

The training, which took place on February 19-20, 2025, brought together environmental professionals from diverse industries, including power, oil and gas, mining, and pulp and paper. This diverse representation contributed to the uniqueness of the training experience, fostering rich discussions and knowledge sharing among participants.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the students who dedicated their valuable time to attend this event. The level of engagement and interaction between students and instructors was truly remarkable, leading to insightful conversations and a deeper understanding of CEMS-related topics.

The CEMS Academy continues to provide a unique opportunity for professionals to learn from a team of experts with over 120 years of combined experience in the field. This hands-on approach to learning has proven to be highly effective in addressing the complex challenges faced by environmental professionals in their day-to-day operations.

Looking ahead, we’re excited to announce that preparations are underway for the next CEMS Academy training event scheduled for late June. Details will be posted on the CEMS Academy website in the coming days. We encourage interested professionals to keep an eye out for this information and register early, as our events tend to sell out quickly.

At VIM Technologies, we remain committed to providing high-quality, practical training that empowers environmental professionals to excel in their roles. We look forward to seeing you at the next CEMS training workshop!

CEMS Mastery: Join VIM Technologies at The CEMS Academy in Reno

VIM Technologies is thrilled to announce our continued partnership with The CEMS Academy for their upcoming workshop in Reno, NV. Join us on February 19-20, 2025, for an intensive two-day training event hosted by UES at 6995 Sierra Center Pkwy, offering a unique opportunity for environmental professionals to learn from Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) experts representing over 120 years of combined experience.

This hands-on workshop brings together experts from four disciplines, including representatives from STI CEMS, Universal Analyzers, and Air Hygiene. VIM Technologies’ Eric Wiley, Senior Air Compliance Specialist, will be among the instructors leading breakout sessions.

Workshop Features:

  • Small group learning
  • Comprehensive rotating breakout sessions
  • Hands-on training experiences

Participants will rotate through critical learning stations:

  • CEMS Components (Probes, Sample Lines, & Conditioners)
  • Analyzer Teardown & Repair
  • Stack Testing Fundamentals
  • Data Acquisition Systems & Regulatory Overview

Our experienced professionals will share insights on common mistakes, practical solutions, and industry best practices. This two-day, hands-on format is designed to benefit your entire CEMS team.

Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and optimize your plant’s CEMS operations. Register today before seats sell out!

For more information and registration, visit The CEMS Academy website.

We look forward to seeing you in Reno for this no-nonsense, practical training that breaks the traditional CEMS workshop mold!

Latest Developments in the LME EDR Utility

The EPA Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD) has announced a permanent delay in the ECMPS re-engineering project. While they haven’t set a definite start date for the transition to the new web-based ECMPS 2.0 interface with JSON formatted reports, we anticipate it won’t commence until at least the first quarter of 2025. Additionally, the EPA has reiterated that there are no plans to integrate the capability to generate low mass emissions (LME) EDRs into the ECMPS 2.0 client tool. Facilities responsible for reporting LME EDRs are advised to seek alternative solutions and establish a transition plan beforehand.

VIM continues to evolve and provide a solution for generating both XML and JSON formatted EDRs through our web-based LME EDR Utility. Users can use this platform to create XML EDRs for import into the current standalone ECMPS Client tool while exploring the JSON EDR capability for ECMPS 2.0 beta testing. We are committed to staying abreast of all re-engineering work and will provide updates to the LME utility when schemas or API interfaces get changed.

We hope that EPA will clarify the overall progress of the re-engineering project at the upcoming EPRI CEM User Group conference in Scottsdale, AZ, from May 21 – 23, 2024. VIM Technologies Inc. will be on hand and will provide an update on the status of the re-engineering project at the meeting’s conclusion.

If you’re interested in hearing more about the LME utility or have questions about the re-engineering project in general, please get in touch with Rudi Muenster at

VIM Technologies Unveils New LME EDR Solutions at EPRI

We are thrilled to announce that VIM Technologies will be exhibiting and presenting at the 31st Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Continuous Emissions Monitoring User Group Meeting. This premier event is scheduled to take place on May 16-17, 2023, at The Galt House in Louisville, Kentucky.

As a leading provider of emissions monitoring software, we are excited to bring our latest solutions to the forefront and share our industry insights with attendees. Our VP of Environmental Products, Rudi Muesnster, will present on LME EDR Solutions for ECMPS 2.0. The presentation will cover the re-engineering effort of the Emissions Collection and Monitoring Plan System (ECMPS) Client Tool and its direct impact on Low Mass Emitter (LME) sources. With the introduction of the new web-based ECMPS 2.0 reporting tool, a key feature of the original ECMPS client tool will no longer be available. We will provide industry alternatives and options for generating LME EDRs without the burden and cost of installing a full-blown Data Acquisition and Handling System (DAHS). We invite you to attend this presentation!

We also invite you to visit our booth. Our team will be available to answer questions and demonstrate our software solutions. You can find us at Booth #3.

The EPRI Continuous Emissions Monitoring User Group Meeting. is an excellent opportunity for industry professionals to network, learn, and stay up-to-date on the latest developments in continuous emissions monitoring.

2022 CEMS Academy Training Recap!

Training That Keeps You Engaged: The CEMS Academy Focuses on Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEMS)

The most recent CEMS Academy training session was held in Austin, TX, on October 26 & 27. The event kicked off with registration and a Meet & Greet on the first day. October 27 was a full day of comprehensive CEMS Academy Training for all participants.  Attendees were thrilled to get together on the gorgeous 431-acre University of Texas Campus in the Commons Conference Center. The lovely location was a great added benefit to two exciting days of networking and training. Read more »

VIM Technologies’ Part 60 CEMS and COMS Requirements Virtual Training

VIM Technologies’ (VIM) Senior Air Compliance Specialists, Eric Wiley, and Dru Sanders, co-presented the Part 60 CEMS and COMS Requirements online training course with high praise from those who attended.

This comprehensive course covered the required material in 2-hour sessions across 3 consecutive days. Attendees were thrilled with the virtual schedule that allowed flexible access to the training and eliminated the need for travel. The detailed course manual and the ability to download various supporting regulatory documents were a significant benefit to all participants

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2022 Virtual CEMS Training Courses

VIM Technologies has recently announced four upcoming training courses that will take place between March and September of 2022. Registration is available for each of the two one-day courses for $399, while the three-day training sessions require a $599 registration fee. Due to ongoing health precautions, all of VIM Technologies’ training courses are being offered virtually. Read more »

New SCAQMD CEMS Rules 218.2 and 218.3 Update

South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) has amended CEMS Rule 218 Continuous Emissions Monitoring and adopted new Rule 218.2 CEMS: General Provisions and Rule 218.3 CEMS: Performance Specifications.

The amended Rule 218 and the new Rules 218.2 and 218.3 provide specifications for both former RECLAIM CEMS that are previously certified according to the RECLAIM program, as well as non-RECLAIM CEMS that are previously certified according to Rules 218 and 218.1.Read more »

Are You Ready for the 2021 Alberta CEMS Code Update?

UPDATE: AEP Issues June 18, 2021 Memo
On June 18, 2021, AEP released a memorandum which states that previous authorizations to deviate from the 1998 CEMS Code apply specifically to the 1998 Code.  Affected sources should work with their approval coordinator to have any such deviation(s) authorized prior to January 1, 2022.  The installation requirements specified in the 2021 CEM Code apply to new installations, “therefore existing authorizations to deviate which are based on physical installation requirements (i.e., sampling location) may remain.”Read more »

2021 Alberta CEMS Code Finalized

As a follow-up to the April 27 webinar, AEP issued the 2021 CEMS Code Questions and Responses on May 5, 2021. AEP also posted a recording of the April 27th webinar. A copy of the latest Q&A document is available here.

On April 7, 2021, Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) finalized the 2021 Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) Code. The 2021 Alberta CEMS Code becomes effective on or before January 1, 2022, to provide affected units the flexibility to comply with the new Code prior to the effective date. Otherwise, the 1998 CEMS Code will remain in effect until December 31, 2021.

A copy of the 2021 CEMS Code is available here. Supporting documents are available at

AEP is hosting a Revised CEMS Code Information Webinar on April 27, 2021, to provide information and to field questions concerning the 2021 CEMS Code.  The webinar will include changes from the 1998 CEMS Code and changes made from draft 2. Click here to register for the Revised CEMS Code Information Webinar.