The EPA published final revisions in the Federal Register to 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart AAAAA, National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Lime Manufacturing Plants in late July with changes impacting several key sections.Read more »
Category: Compliance Related Resources
Reducing Compliance Risk: Easy Access to Environmental Data is Critical
If your source monitoring is anything short of 100% compliant with applicable regulations under the Clean Air Act Amendments you are at risk of notices of violation (NOVs), fines, and other disciplinary action. Reducing this compliance risk starts with proper data collection. Data visibility and ease of access can help your company stay within the guidelines of its operating permit.
EPAS (Environmental Project Assessment Service)
The installation of a new data acquisition and handling system (DAHS) is a unique and complex project that many plant personnel may not experience during their careers. Moreover, the level of effort required to manage a DAHS installation project is typically in addition to existing plant staff workloads which can be taxing. Experience shows that there is often a void at the outset of a typical DAHS project where the project requirements and specifications have not been clearly defined. In the absence of clearly defined technical specifications, both the buyer and seller are often stuck in an uncomfortable position. There can be numerous open-ended questions that have a significant impact on the overall success of the project. Details such as:
Complying with MACT using CEMLink6’s Continuous Parameter Monitoring System (CPMS) capabilities
VIM Technologies, Inc. is a true compliance partner. As the market leader in innovative data acquisition software design, we back up each application with a compliance first mindset. Our products and services are supported by an expert staff of environmental engineers that have been serving the air regulated community since 1992.
Introducing: The all new CEMLink 6 Compliance Calendar
Being an environmental manager in the 21st century requires you to juggle numerous quality assurance tests, oftentimes with different deadlines. Some can be tied to the number of operating hours within a quarter while others are based on the anniversary date of an inspection or performance test. Let CEMLink 6 shoulder the burden of tracking and notifying you of any impending deadlines.
Air Compliance: 5 Worthy New Year’s Resolutions
It’s a New Year, and the beginning of a new decade. Many of us have selected our New Year’s Resolutions and are well on our way to positive change. Typically, we make New Year’s resolutions because we would like the new year to be even better than the previous year, in one or more areas of life. Have you considered New Year’s Resolutions for improving your CEMS and air compliance programs? Here are 5 great ideas to consider when planning for the year ahead:
DAHS Updates for Recent ECMPS Changes
We’re pleased to report that over 75% of all CEMLink users have upgraded to a CEMLink release that complies with the latest schema changes rolled out by EPA in the ECMPS Q3 2019 ECMPS release. Read more »
Industry News Changes for 2019 Q2 Reporting (UPDATED)
*UPDATE May 1, 2019 – The EPA has delayed this requirement until Q3.*
By now, most VIM customers that report using ECMPS have heard that the EPA is adding System and Component IDs during missing data periods beginning with the 2019 Q2 reporting period. Here is a summary of what you need to know if you are using VIM’s software:Read more »
Benefits of a Software Support Maintenance Contract
VIM Technologies’ CEMLink6 software is designed to streamline the data acquisition process of emissions data for a myriad of industries. We provide prompt and thorough assistance for our clients and we offer Software Support Maintenance Contracts as an additional layer of support. This remote support service is an ideal complement to your CEMLink6 usage that can address questions and concerns regarding the software operation, updates, and more. Discover the benefits of our Software Support Maintenance Contract:
Priority Access to 24/7 Technical Assistance
COMPAS: Did You Know?
CEMLink6 and COMPAS are VIM’s flagship offerings, both of which we actively improve based on client feedback. COMPAS stands for Compliance Optimization & Monitor Performance Accuracy Service and here are facts you might not know about it:Read more »