The CEMS Academy Training in Reno Recap

VIM Technologies is proud to announce the successful completion of another sold-out CEMS Academy training event in Reno this month. Our Senior Air Compliance Specialist, Eric Wiley, was among the esteemed instructors who led this comprehensive two-day workshop.

The training, which took place on February 19-20, 2025, brought together environmental professionals from diverse industries, including power, oil and gas, mining, and pulp and paper. This diverse representation contributed to the uniqueness of the training experience, fostering rich discussions and knowledge sharing among participants.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the students who dedicated their valuable time to attend this event. The level of engagement and interaction between students and instructors was truly remarkable, leading to insightful conversations and a deeper understanding of CEMS-related topics.

The CEMS Academy continues to provide a unique opportunity for professionals to learn from a team of experts with over 120 years of combined experience in the field. This hands-on approach to learning has proven to be highly effective in addressing the complex challenges faced by environmental professionals in their day-to-day operations.

Looking ahead, we’re excited to announce that preparations are underway for the next CEMS Academy training event scheduled for late June. Details will be posted on the CEMS Academy website in the coming days. We encourage interested professionals to keep an eye out for this information and register early, as our events tend to sell out quickly.

At VIM Technologies, we remain committed to providing high-quality, practical training that empowers environmental professionals to excel in their roles. We look forward to seeing you at the next CEMS training workshop!

CEMS Mastery: Join VIM Technologies at The CEMS Academy in Reno

VIM Technologies is thrilled to announce our continued partnership with The CEMS Academy for their upcoming workshop in Reno, NV. Join us on February 19-20, 2025, for an intensive two-day training event hosted by UES at 6995 Sierra Center Pkwy, offering a unique opportunity for environmental professionals to learn from Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) experts representing over 120 years of combined experience.

This hands-on workshop brings together experts from four disciplines, including representatives from STI CEMS, Universal Analyzers, and Air Hygiene. VIM Technologies’ Eric Wiley, Senior Air Compliance Specialist, will be among the instructors leading breakout sessions.

Workshop Features:

  • Small group learning
  • Comprehensive rotating breakout sessions
  • Hands-on training experiences

Participants will rotate through critical learning stations:

  • CEMS Components (Probes, Sample Lines, & Conditioners)
  • Analyzer Teardown & Repair
  • Stack Testing Fundamentals
  • Data Acquisition Systems & Regulatory Overview

Our experienced professionals will share insights on common mistakes, practical solutions, and industry best practices. This two-day, hands-on format is designed to benefit your entire CEMS team.

Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and optimize your plant’s CEMS operations. Register today before seats sell out!

For more information and registration, visit The CEMS Academy website.

We look forward to seeing you in Reno for this no-nonsense, practical training that breaks the traditional CEMS workshop mold!

ECMPS 2.0 Update EPA Announces Q3 2025 Rollout and Key Changes

On December 20th, 2024, EPA’s Clean Air and Power Division (CAPD) provided a status update on the ECMPS 2.0 re-engineering effort. The blog post can be found here.

Their message addressed the following three (3) key points:

  1. Copies of the ECMPS 2.0 monitoring plan, quality assurance and emissions reporting instructions were posted.
  2. They confirmed that the initial rollout of ECMPS 2.0 would NOT contain any new MATS related records.
  3. ECMPS 2.0 via the new web-based utility has a tentative earliest effective date of Q3 2025. 

Now that EPA has brought the ECMPS 2.0 beta system back on-line and penciled in a deadline of 2025 Q3, industry should be prepared to re-engage with the project. There are no plans to run both systems in parallel so the transition will be aggressive when it occurs. DAHS vendors have what we need to prepare industry for reporting. Detailed below are a few things you can do to prepare for the deadline:

  • EPA has finished migrating security and login capability for the ECMPS 2.0 beta systems from CAMD Business System (CBS) to Central Data Exchange (CDX) and If you haven’t already familiarized yourself with the CDX and Beta startup guide, we encourage you to do so. To access a copy of the startup guide please click here.
  • Reach out to your DAHS vendor to discuss their plans and to schedule an update. Most vendors have been testing in the beta environment since it came back on-line earlier this fall. VIM recently announced to all Part 75 CEMLink customers that an update (Ver. 6.2.620) is available for users who want it to test in the beta environments. We have been encouraging end users to update to familiarize themselves with the new ECMPS 2.0 web-based interface. EPA has been spending time on critical bug fixes rather than usability enhancements, so the look-and-feel of the screens are a bit crude.
  • Provide feedback on your experience with the new interface to EPA. Once your set up with the required test accounts (in CDX and CBS), you can provide feedback to EPA via It’s important that industry acquaint themselves with the new interface and workflow. There are significant changes to Agent designations and EPA has not re-established “Contractor Access” like we have in the current environment. It’s imperative that industry press EPA on this subject because it will pose a significant burden to you as it’s currently architected.
  • MATS-affected sources should contact their stack test contractors to ensure that they will continue to provide the applicable required MATS stack test data elements specified in Sections 17 through 30 of Appendix E to the MATS Rule in XML format. EPA will likely continue with the “attachment” approach until there are at least a few years of run-time in the new environment.  We don’t expect EPA to re-engage with vendors or industry until at least 2026 to discuss the additional MATS data elements.  

VIM will continue to stay abreast of the ECMPS 2.0 developments and update this blog as relevant information becomes available. Please contact our COMPAS group at for more information concerning the ECMPS 2.0 implementation or any questions you may have.

2024 CEMLink6 & Regulatory Training Recap

VIM Technologies, Inc. (VIM) is pleased to announce the completion of another highly successful CEMLink6 and Regulatory Training course held in Dallas, Texas on November 5 – 7, 2024. The 3-day training course included three (3) separate tracks: (1) regulatory, (2) CEMLink6 intermediate and (3) CEMLink6 advanced. The regulatory track featured a 2-day focused training on Part 75 as well as a half-day course on Part 60 Appendix F quality assurance/quality control procedures. Other regulatory topics included Part 63 Subparts EEE and LLLL. CEMLink6 tracks covered some of our usual subjects such as Overview Dashboards, Logbook and Calibration Utilities but also some refreshed material in the Configuration/PLC and advanced system troubleshooting sessions. Attendees were provided copies of the presentations prior to the course as well as PDF copies of other supporting documents. There were also opportunities to meet new friends and network. Comments from attendees included:

I appreciated the flexibility to change tracks to attend the training that was of most interest to me.”

I would highly recommend this course to my colleagues.”

The training material was thorough and useful as a reference document.”

Stay tuned for VIM announcements for future online and in-person training classes or visit our training page at VIM also provides site-specific training courses tailored to a facility’s monitoring methodology and applicable regulations. Contact us at for more information.

85th Glass Problems Conference Recap

VIM Technologies (VIM) exhibited at the 85th Glass Problems Conference in Toledo, Ohio, from September 16-19, 2024. This event brought together nearly 500 industry professionals, creating an ideal environment for networking and sharing insights into the glass manufacturing sector.

The conference, organized by the Glass Manufacturing Industry Council and Alfred University, served as a vibrant hub for innovation. VIM had the pleasure of meeting new clients and reconnecting with old friends, all passionate about advancing the glass industry. These interactions provided valuable insights into the challenges faced by glass manufacturers and allowed VIM to showcase its comprehensive environmental compliance solutions.

VIM’s booth became a hub for discussions on environmental compliance strategies. We discussed how our CEMLink 6 software not only monitors emissions but also provides predictive analytics to prevent compliance issues before they occur. We also discussed VIM’s COMPAS program, our comprehensive service for quality assurance and regulatory training.

VIM looks forward to next year’s conference and continuing to contribute to advancements in glass manufacturing!

To learn more about CEMLink 6 or our COMPAS program, or to schedule a personalized demo, please visit our website at or contact us at

ECMPS 2.0 Update

The ECMPS 2.0 launch date continues to be postponed indefinitely, and EPA has stated that it will not be rolled out in calendar year 2024.  Additionally, on June 3, 2024, EPA’s Clean Air and Power Division (CAPD) announced that the ECMPS 2.0 Beta and CBS Beta systems were going offline for several weeks due to maintenance.  This effectively halts any testing that DAHS vendors and industry participants were performing on the new system, but also gives us time to reflect and strategize on what the year ahead looks like.  Additional details regarding this scheduled maintenance event can be found in EPA’s blog post here.  We wanted to take this opportunity to brief you on some important details related to the re-engineering project and what to expect once the beta systems come back online later this summer.

If you attended the EPRI May 2024 CEMUG Conference, you learned that EPA is about to make a significant pivot on the re-engineering project.  While not officially going on record saying it, EPA looks to be making major changes to the direction and scope of the web based ECMPS Client Tool.  It appears EPA is re-focusing its efforts squarely on the original scope from 2019, which was simply to build a web-based version of the Client Tool with the same functionality as the current one, but with a shift from XML to JSON file formats.  Therefore, it is a strong possibility that EPA will pull the new MATS-related test records, originally slated for Phase II of the web-based Client Tool, from the initial rollout of the ECMPS 2.0 Client Tool.  The details listed below surrounding the re-engineering project also validate this theory.

  • The JSON schema documents (files that dictate what the reports should look like) for QA and EM reports do not contain ANY MATS-related elements.  Test elements such as ACA, RAA, CGA, RCA, PS-11, and even the MATS quarterly compliance report are absent from the schema.  While we do have draft copies of the accompanying reporting instruction documents that do contain them, there are numerous errors and omissions that make it difficult to implement.  One area that needs significant improvement is the deviation and downtime section.  CAPD really needs to consult with OAQPS, industry, and DAHS vendors on the formal construction of these records.
  • EPA has been focused on another major change, the migration from the CAMD Business System (CBS) to Central Data Exchange (CDX).  With this change, all users will need to register on CDX.  If you haven’t already familiarized yourself with the CDX and Beta startup guide, VIM Technologies (VIM) encourages you to do so.  A link halfway down the page will take you to the most recent version of the guide (November 21, 2023, at the time of writing).
  • EPA announced last year that the vendor who had been working on the re-engineering project was being replaced.  The new vendor, ERG, is the same one responsible for the existing standalone ECMPS Client Tool, so the learning curve won’t be as steep.  It’s safe to assume that this project will be broken up into smaller, more manageable chunks, with MATS records potentially feeling the brunt of the delay, likely to 2026 or beyond.
  • EPA spent considerable time building a mechanism to submit multiple file types via the MATS Data Submission module.  While it’s lumpy and leaves a lot to be desired, it’s in place and functional.  It also gives industry a mechanism to submit just about any file type they believe complies with the MATS Rule.  We believe CAPD will take this opportunity to circle the wagons with OAQPS, industry, and DAHS vendors to work on the language and clear up the file format for the MATS data, including the quarterly compliance report.

While there is a great deal of confusion concerning the format in which to report certain MATS compliance data (e.g., quarterly compliance reports, PM CEMS hourly data, etc.), it is clear that the respective data elements in Sections 17 – 30 of Appendix E must be submitted in XML format via the ECMPS MATS Data Submission module for MATS compliance tests conducted on or after January 1, 2024.  These MATS tests include Hg RATAs and SO2 RATAs (if used for MATS compliance), Hg LEE tests, performance tests, PM CEMS RRAs, RCAs, and initial PS-11 correlation tests.  Additionally, the “Supporting Test Information For Each Test” specified in Section 31 of Appendix E must be submitted in PDF format via the ECMPS MATS Data Submission module.  To meet the Section 31 requirements, many affected sources are opting to submit a PDF copy of the complete test report.

One thing is clear – CAPD needs to re-engage with industry, vendors, and even OAQPS to openly discuss technical details on the re-engineering project.  Those of us who were around for the MDC to ECMPS migration know how much time and effort this takes.  It was only achievable with open lines of communication, clear instructions, achievable timelines, and measurable results.

VIM will continue to stay abreast of the ECMPS 2.0 developments and update this blog as relevant information becomes available after the maintenance period is over.  We will have an update available to CEMLink6 later this summer so our users can beta test the ECMPS 2.0 Client Tool.

For those interested, we have several sessions dedicated to Part 75, the ECMPS 2.0 re-engineering project, and MATS program updates at our upcoming CEMLink6 and Regulatory training in Dallas, TX, at the DFW Lakes Hilton from Nov 5-7, 2024. For more information regarding this event, please visit our information page here.

Please contact our COMPAS group at for more information concerning the ECMPS 2.0 implementation or any questions you may have.


Part 75 Desk Audit Update

The Clean Air & Power Division (CAPD), formerly known as the Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD), continues to conduct virtual Part 75 continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) program audits referred to as “Part 75 Desk Audits.” Initially, the Desk Audits primarily focused on coal-fired units equipped with full CEMS. Part 75 Desk Audits are conducted by CAPD personnel or contractors and typically last approximately four (4) months. Ongoing communication is handled via emails and/or conference calls. Information requested from the plant usually includes:

  • Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Plan
  • Hardcopy Monitoring Plan, including all schematics and diagrams
  • Latest relative accuracy test audit report
  • Targeted CEMS logbook entries for previous year
  • Various photos of CEMS shelter, analyzer serial numbers, and images of current daily calibration error test and linearity check PGVP cylinder certifications.

These audits also included a review of the QA/QC requirements for mercury (Hg) CEMS and/or Hg sorbent trap monitoring systems used for compliance with Subpart UUUUU to Part 63 (aka The MATS Rule).

During the May 2024 EPRI CEMUG Conference, CAPD gave a presentation which discussed expanding the scope of the Part 75 Desk Audits to include requirements and checklists specific to gas- and oil-fired units using Appendix D & NOx CEMS as well as peaking units utilizing Appendix E NOx correlation curves. In addition to the standard information request listed above, some checks specific to gas- and oil-fired units include, but are not limited to:

  • Documentation that the fuel meets the definition of pipeline natural gas (PNG) or natural gas (NNG).
  • Verification that fuel flow is corrected to EPA “standard conditions” as defined in §72.2
  • Fuel sampling procedures
  • Fuel flowmeter QA test procedures

The CAPD presentation also discussed conducting Appendix D correlation checks to detect discrepancies in reporting heat input. In general, the check compares hourly heat input values at the same load bin in two adjacent calendar quarters. The check only considers bins 5 – 10 and there must be at least 168 hourly values or more in a bin. CAPD stated that their initial analysis showed that most Appendix D units reported consistent heat input data. In a few cases, issues with fuel flowmeter “scaling factors” required resubmission of quarterly emissions files.

VIM has reviewed a draft Appendix D checklist from the Part 75 Desk Audit Manual and is ready to help. VIM has successfully conducted numerous CEMS program audits. Audits can be tailored to assess compliance with air permit requirements, 40 CFR Part 75, 40 CFR Part 60, 40 CFR Part 63 and Greenhouse Gas Reporting rule specifications. A comprehensive audit can provide an objective assessment of compliance with the applicable federal and State regulations and evaluate the efficiency of your overall CEMS program. During the audit, VIM conducts a detailed review of the QA Plan, Monitoring Plan, CEMS maintenance logs, corrective maintenance activities, and associated standard operating procedures. VIM also reviews the data acquisition and handling system (DAHS) to ensure that calculations are performed correctly.

VIM typically conducts a review of documentation prior to performing an on-site inspection of CEMS equipment and other site records. This process makes the site visit more efficient, requiring less time for your busy plant staff. VIM’s findings and recommendations are submitted in a formal report. If you’re interested in hearing more about the Part 75 Appendix D Desk Audit guidance or an audit for your facility, please contact Dru Sanders at or at (410) 859-5455 Ext. 4051.


ECMPS 2.0 Start Date Postponed

UPDATE: ECMPS 2.0 Start Date Postponed

On November 15, 2023, the EPA’s Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD) hosted a webinar to discuss transitioning from ECMPS 1.0 (i.e., the ECMPS Client Tool) to the new web-based ECMPS 2.0 reporting platform. During the webinar, CAMD announced that ECMPS 2.0 would not be used to report quarterly QA and emissions files as initially scheduled for Q1 2024. Additionally, CAMD did not specify a new start date for ECMPS 2.0. The agency does not want to postpone the ECMPS 2.0 implementation date more than once, so they intend to conduct a thorough assessment of the status of the software platform before setting a new realistic start date. CAMD indicated that they hope to complete this assessment before the end of 2023. The webinar was recorded, and a copy will be posted to the ECMPS Re-engineering Effort website at

Read more »

84th Glass Problems Conference Recap

VIM Technologies (VIM) thoroughly enjoyed attending the 84th Conference on Glass Problems at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. It was a remarkable event that brought together the best minds in the glass manufacturing industry.

The primary goal of the conference was to equip participants with insights into the existing factors influencing glass manufacturing, available technology options, and upcoming trends. This event was collaboratively organized by the Glass Manufacturing Industry Council and Alfred University, earning an endorsement from The American Ceramic Society.

Participating as an exhibitor afforded our company an exclusive perspective to observe the event’s key moments and interact with its attendees. The conference served as a hub of innovation, featuring diverse sessions, symposiums, and discussions. Notably, the focal point was the symposium entitled “The Future of Glass Manufacturing,” which delved into various technologies for energy and carbon savings, as well as advancements in furnace and refractory design.

It was great to connect with industry leaders, potential clients, and fellow exhibitors, all sharing a common passion for the glass manufacturing industry. We look forward to the next conference.

Recap of the 2023 VIM User Group and Training Event

We are thrilled to take you through the highlights of the 2023 VIM User Group and Training event, held at the beautiful Marriott Phoenix Resort Tempe at The Buttes in Tempe, Arizona from October 24 to 27, 2023. This event brought together VIM end-users for two days of in-depth product and regulatory training. It also served as a platform for end-users and vendors to come together and explore VIM’s latest industry insights and product updates.

Training and Networking
The event kicked off on Tuesday, October 24th, and continued throughout the day on Wednesday, October 25th. Attendees had the opportunity to choose from three tracks of training, including CEMLink 6 and Regulatory training. As a special treat, Wednesday evening featured a delightful Welcome Reception held by the hotel pool, where attendees mingled and exchanged ideas in a relaxed and picturesque setting.

User Group Sessions
Thursday, October 26th marked the commencement of the User Group sessions. . It began with a series of informative updates from VIM executives, providing insights into the company’s strategic direction and vision. The day proceeded with vendor and end-user presentations sharing valuable experiences and expertise, as well as a presentation by a representative from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), shedding light on regulatory matters.

Unforgettable Evening at Rawhide Western Town
One of the most memorable moments of the event was the off-site gathering on Thursday evening, hosted at Rawhide Western Town in Chandler, AZ. Attendees were treated to a delightful array of food and beverages, live music to set the mood, opportunities for capturing old-time photos, the mystique of a roaming magician, and even some dancing to cap off the evening. It was an opportunity for attendees to unwind, socialize, and create lasting memories.

Knowledge Sharing and Closing

The User Group event wrapped up on Friday morning with presentations from VIM staff specializing in Operations and Software Development. These sessions provided attendees with deeper insights into the inner workings of VIM and its commitment to innovation and service excellence.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who attended, and we would like to express our special thanks to our sponsors and vendors for their invaluable contributions in making this event truly remarkable. As we look back on this event, we also look forward to future gatherings and opportunities for shared learning and growth.

Check out some of the photos taken during this event.