2022 Virtual CEMS Training Courses

VIM Technologies has recently announced four upcoming training courses that will take place between March and September of 2022. Registration is available for each of the two one-day courses for $399, while the three-day training sessions require a $599 registration fee. Due to ongoing health precautions, all of VIM Technologies’ training courses are being offered virtually. Read more »

VIM Technologies Introduction to Part 75: 3-Day Remote Training Course

VIM Technologies is offering an intermediate level, fully online Part 75 Emissions training course run by Senior Air Compliance Specialist Dru Sanders, February 16-18th, 2022. This course is directed toward environmental staff and Instrument & Controls (I&C) Technicians responsible for complying with 40 CFR Part 75 regulations. We will provide an overview covering general provisions required by the rule. This will include monitoring methods, data handling, quality assurance testing, recertification events, annual analysis, and reporting/recordkeeping requirements. General data assessment techniques will be discussed along with our 10-step program for success. The course consists of four (4) sessions, spanning three (3) days in February. Day 2 includes two (2) focused sessions addressing Part 75 requirements specific to gas & oil-fired units as well as a separate session focusing on coal-fired units. These two (2)  sessions are conducted in succession, providing flexibility to participate in one session or both. The Part 75 course will also cover any recent applicable regulatory or reporting changes or pending revisions. The price of the training is $599 and is recommended for intermediate-level attendees.

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New SCAQMD CEMS Rules 218.2 and 218.3 Update

South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) has amended CEMS Rule 218 Continuous Emissions Monitoring and adopted new Rule 218.2 CEMS: General Provisions and Rule 218.3 CEMS: Performance Specifications.

The amended Rule 218 and the new Rules 218.2 and 218.3 provide specifications for both former RECLAIM CEMS that are previously certified according to the RECLAIM program, as well as non-RECLAIM CEMS that are previously certified according to Rules 218 and 218.1.Read more »

VIM’s 2020 Webinar Recap

The year 2020 left companies frantically struggling to move operations online as cities and countries around the world went into lockdown due to COVID-19. Most companies faced a major challenge – to help their employees adapt to new routines and technology, and to do so remotely. Businesses had to limit employee travels, postpone, and cancel in-person training and meetings. At VIM Technologies, we recognized that our customers cannot simply push the pause button on critical workplace learning while trying to put employee safety first. To meet this challenge and support our partners, we decided to develop and host free webinars starting in April 2020.

Here is a recap of all VIM webinars conducted in 2020. If you missed any of them and would like access to any of the recordings, here’s a list of previous webinars. Select the webinar(s) you’re interested and fill out the request form.Read more »

FREE WEBINAR – MACT Compliance using CEMLink6

Vim logo accompanied by "MACT Compliance using CEMLink 6. An exclusive webinar from VIM Technologies"

Data collection and reporting to meet emission regulations defined by the NESHAPS/MACT Rules can be challenging. Unlike NSPS, Acid Rain and other air compliance programs, NESHAPS brings in a mix of continuous and periodic data collection requirements coming from CEMS, CPMS and plant information systems. The raw data needed to meet compliance often come from different sources within the facility, on different networks, found in incompatible formats and different software platforms. This webinar will explainRead more »

Vendors at 2019 VIM User Group

We’re committed to making the 2019 VIM User Group the best place to learn how to get the most out of CEMLink6, network with other professionals, and refresh your industry knowledge. Our vendors contribute to this goal, and elevate the event by providing a high level of knowledge, expertise, and professionalism. We’d like to thank the following vendors for participating in this year’s User Group:

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