Online Training Courses
Part 60 CEMS and COMS Requirements
Level: Beginner-Intermediate
Date: March 25-27, 2025 (SOLD OUT)
Location: Virtual
This course is designed to provide a thorough review of the Part 60 monitoring, performance, quality assurance, record keeping and reporting requirements for CEMS and COMS. The course will begin Day 1 with an introduction to Part 60, a review of some of the different CEMS types, followed by a summary of certification requirements. Day 2 will delve into the requirements of Part 60 Procedure 1 and 3, that contain the QA/QC requirements for CEMS and COMS respectively. Day 3 will cover CEMS and COMS QA/QC Plans, what is required and best practice recommendations, followed by data validity and reporting requirements.
The course would be beneficial to environmental managers as well as Instrument & Control Technicians with CEMS responsibilities. The training would be valuable to personnel with limited Part 60 experience as well as a refresher for more seasoned personnel.
The course will be presented in three (3) sessions (2 hours each) over three consecutive days.
View the Training Agenda.
Instructor: Dru Sanders
Audience: Prospective Customers; Existing Customers
Skill Level: Intermediate
Price: $649.00
Introduction to Part 75
Level: Intermediate
Date: June 17-19, 2025
Location: Virtual
This class is directed towards environmental staff responsible for complying with 40 CFR Part 75 regulations. An overview will be provided on the general provisions required by the rule. This will include monitoring methods, data handling, quality assurance testing, recertification events, annual analysis, and reporting/recordkeeping requirements. General data assessment techniques will be discussed along with our 10-step program for success.
The course will be presented in four (4) sessions, across three (3) days in order to accommodate everyone’s busy schedule. On Day 2, the course will include two (2) focused sessions to address Part 75 requirements specific to gas & oil-fired units as well as a separate session focusing on coal-fired units. However, these two (2) focused sessions will be conducted in succession, so attendees have the flexibility to participate in one session or both.
The course will also cover any recent applicable regulatory or reporting changes or pending revisions.
View the Training Agenda.
Instructor: Dru Sanders
Audience: Prospective Customers; Existing Customers
Skill Level: Intermediate
Price: $649.00
Using Power BI to Access CEMLink 6
Level: Advanced
Date: TBD
Location: TBD
CEMLink 6 does an amazing job with managing, reporting, and allowing you to visualize your compliance data. But what about users looking for more innovative business intelligence capabilities (beyond what is available in the product) or those looking to share and collaborate at a corporate level? This session will introduce you to Power BI – Microsoft’s premier business intelligence tool which is sweeping the industry by storm. Here, we will set the stage and demonstrate how to begin using Power BI effectively within your organization in order to bring your compliance data to life.
MATS Rule Training
Level: Beginner-Intermediate
Date: TBD
Location: Virtual
This online course is designed to provide a detailed review of Subpart UUUUU, 40 CFR Part 63 Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) Rule’s monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements. The course will be presented during two (2) sessions with a break for lunch. The course would be beneficial to environmental managers as well as Instrument & Control Technicians with CEMS responsibilities. The training would be valuable to personnel with limited MATS Rule experience as well as a refresher for more seasoned personnel.
The course will also cover any recent applicable regulatory or reporting changes or pending revisions.
CEMLink 6: Calibration Utilities
Level: Beginner–Intermediate
Date: TBD
Location: TBD
This 3-hr class is geared towards technicians and environmental engineers responsible for managing and performing daily calibration drift checks. We will discuss all aspects of the Cylinder Management, Calibration Control and Calibration Data Viewer user interfaces. If you are responsible for the ongoing QA and maintenance of your CEMS you won’t want to miss this informative discussion.
Site-Specific Training Courses
VIM also provides site-specific training courses tailored to a facility’s monitoring approach and applicable regulations.
If you are a CEMLink 6 customer, the customized training course can also include DAHS training. These courses can be presented at the facility or online. The course can also be presented over several days to accommodate plant personnel work schedule. Each course includes a detailed course manual.
Please contact to discuss your specific training requirements.